

Henan Dazz Thermal Technology Co.,Ltd

Dazz Technology is the leading provider of refractory for the steel industry in China. Headquartered in Henan China, Dazz Technology has been serving the steel plants with its quality products for more than 40 years. Our refractory products have been used on some of the largest blast furnaces in the world. Ranging from 280m³to 5800m³in volume, these furnaces have been enduring the most severe heat conditions and are continuously producing under the protection of our products.

Henan Dazz Thermal Technology Co.,Ltd

Country: China
Address: -
Postal Code: 450001
Website: www.dazztechonology.com

Henan Dazz Thermal Technology Co.,Ltd

Address: - Postal Code: 450001 Website: www.dazztechonology.com

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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